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This page contains the links to introduce the 8-Step process from Dr. Kotter.

Steps Description
1. Create a Sense of Urgency Your top leaders must describe an opportunity that will appeal to individuals heads and hearts and use this statement to raise a large, urgent army of volunteers.
2. Build a Guiding Coalition A volunteer army needs a coalition of effective people — coming from its own ranks — to guide it, coordinate it and communicate its activities.
3. Form a Strategic Vision and Initiatives Dr. Kotter defines strategic initiatives as targeted and coordinated "activities that, if designed and executed fast enough and well enough, will make your vision a reality."
4. Enlist a Volunteer Army Large-scale change can only occur when very significant numbers of employees amass under a common opportunity and drive in the same direction.
5. Enable Action by Removing Barriers By removing barriers such as inefficient processes or hierarchies, leaders provide the freedom necessary for employees to work across boundaries and create real impact.
6. Generate Short-Term Wins Wins are the molecules of results. They must be collected, categorized, and communicated — early and often — to track progress and energize your volunteers to drive change.
7. Sustain Acceleration Change leaders must adapt quickly in order to maintain their speed. Whether it's a new way of finding talent or removing misaligned processes, they must determine what can be done — every day — to stay the course towards the vision.
8. Institute Change To ensure new behaviors are repeated over the long-term, it's important that you define and communicate the connections between these behaviors and the organization's success.

File:Images/kotter/John Kotter Change Management.png